Retirement Planning

Retirement Planning Advice & Strategies in Boise, ID

Making sure you have enough money for retirement is something that weighs heavily on the minds of most people throughout most of their working years. It is a process that changes over time and having a retirement planning consultant and financial planner you can trust is a very important part of creating a retirement plan that will ensure you have the money you need to support your lifestyle. For more information about our retirement planning services, contact us by phone at (208) 855-9400 or online. We serve clients in Boise and Meridian, ID, as well as the surrounding areas. 

Personal Wealth Management

Planning for retirement is a multi-step process that will change over time. Hawke Financial Group is here to help you each step of the way with wise money management tools. Whether you are hoping for an early retirement at a younger age or need tax strategies to maximize your withdrawal amounts, we have the experience you need.


We will help you with the following steps as you create your retirement plans:

  1. Setting your goals and determining how long you have to reach them. The earlier you start the better, but it is never too late!

  2. Analyzing your retirement spending needs, including housing costs, day-to-day living expenses, health care & insurance costs, entertainment and travel plans, and other possible expenses. Typically, you will need 70-90% of your pre-retirement income.

  3. Prioritizing your financial goals so you can save for retirement and have emergency savings available.

  4. Choosing the best retirement plan(s) for you individually, and taking all sources of income into consideration, including real estate investments (link to real estate investments page). This will be different for each person and can involve more than one kind of account depending on the time you have to reach your goals and how much risk you are willing to take.

Types of Retirement Plans

After we have determined your retirement goals and the time you have to meet them, we can help you determine which retirement plans might work for you. The ones we typically recommend include one or more of the following individual investment accounts:

  • 401(k)
  • Roth IRA
  • Traditional IRA
  • Self-directed IRA
  • Simple IRA
  • Solo 401(k)


Once we have created a plan that balances your desired standard of living and the return expectations of your investments, we will need to plan specific tax strategies for the retirement taxes that will come when you start withdrawing from your retirement accounts. Staying on top of estate planning is another important part of your retirement plan and will need continual monitoring as your situation changes.


If you are unsure of the best way to maximize your retirement funds or just want to learn how to save enough money to retire early, we can help with all your tax and estate planning needs. Call us today at (208) 855-9400 to set up an appointment or request a quote online!